Here are a few excerpts from a talk given via the mediumship of Cora L. V. Richmond in Chicago on March 4, 1888.
This much is certain; under whatever name you choose to call the ruling power in the world, when it is analyzed it is Mammon. Mammon is the god of riches, and at the present time is the most potent power; that which opens all doors, that which gains access to all courts, that which makes favor with kings, potentates and powers, that which encircles the world, that which holds nations in its thrall; that which all the world is pursuing, or if not being able to pursue is sighing to pursue, is mammon.
If into this hall, Spiritualists though many of you are, there should suddenly appear a millionaire, there would be more of a flutter than if an angel of light should appear in bodily form; the millionaire would have worldly influence, the angel of light might find out some of your shadows.
If intelligence, or love, or truth, or justice, by some possible miracle should be the mortal standard controlling mankind does any one suppose that there would be any jealousy because of too great intelligence, any danger of too much justice, any absolute crying out against too much goodness and truth?
The need in the world is to choose which the world shall worship: God or Mammon. Not the God afar off, not the God referred to as angry and revengeful, but the God of right and truth, of love and justice, who has stamped His image upon the human heart, and made there the revelation of His love.